Sunday 17 April 2016

Training Day

Continuing on with the arms race.

Saturday Training

5Km Run
3 Km Bike

TRX Low Rows 
TRX High Rows
TRX Chest Presses
TRX Squats
TRX Bicep Curls
TRX Tricep Presses

300 Crunches and Flutter Kicks

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Circuit Training - Wednesday, March 9

200m Run

Decline Push Up x 20
Bench Squats x 20

200m Run

Full Sit Up x 20
Ball Push Up x 20

200m Run

Plank Jacks x 40
Bench Press Up x 10

200m Run

Walking Lunge x 100m
Flutter Kicks x 200 (100 per side)

200m Run

Dive Bomber Push Ups x 20
Rolling Thrusters x 30

Complete for 1-2 Rounds (Basic), 3 Rounds (Good), 4 Rounds (Advanced)!!

HIIT Workout - Monday, March 7

Run 200m

Plyometric Jumps x18
Stage Get Ups x 10

Run 200m

Farmer Carry (40lbs) x 100m
Band Rows x 40

Hanging Leg Raise x 10
Band Tows x 100m

Run 200m

Thrusters with weight x 20
In/Out Squats x 20/s

Run 200m

Decline Push Up x 20
Bench Dip x 20

Complete for 3-4 rounds.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

High - Low - Core - Run Training Session

Bicep Curl x 15
Squat x 15
Curl Up x 15
Shoulder Press x 15
Bench Step Up x 15
Flutter Kick x 30
Bench Dip x 15
Calf Raise x 15
Sit Up x 15
One Arm Row x 15/s
Lunge x 15/s
Plank Shoulder Touches x 15/s
* Run is out the stage door, up the far back stairs, across the top hall, walk down the entrance stairs and back into the stage
**Repeat for three rounds

Sunday 21 February 2016

Training Program "Charlie" Day 4 - TRX

Sets - Reps

TRX Squat High Fives

3 x 10

TRX Thrusters

3 x 20

TRX Tricep Press

3 x 10

TRX Chest Press

3 x 10

TRX Squat/Jump

3 x 10

TRX Chest Pull Over

3 x 10

TRX Bicep Curl

3 x 10

TRX Bench Dips

3 x 10


3 x 20/50/20

Training Program "Charlie" Day 3

Sets - Reps

Good Mornings

3 x 10

TRX Thrusters

3 x 20

TRX Tricep Press

3 x 10

Weighted Squat

3 x 10

In/Out Squats

3 x 10/E

Tricep Overhead Press

3 x 10


3 x 10/E

Bench Dips (Elevated)

3 x 10


3 x 20/50/20

Training Program "Charlie" Day 2

Sets - Reps

DB Combination Press

3 x 10

Seal Jacks

3 x 20

TRX Bicep Curls

3 x 10

Plate Raise

3 x 10

In/Out Squats

3 x 10/E

Bar Curl

3 x 10

Lateral Toro Raise

3 x 10

Seated Curls

3 x 10


3 x 20/50/20

Training Program "Charlie" Day 1

Sets - Reps

Chest Press (Bar /DB)

3 x 10

Mountain Climber

3 x 20

TRX Pull Up

3 x 10

Incline Chest Press

3 x 10

In/Out Squats

3 x 10/E

Chest Flye/Pull Over

3 x 10

Push Up with Row

3 x 10/E

Arm Row or Bar Row

3 x 10


3 x 20/50/20

Friday Training Session - February 26

HIIT Program - Each exercise group pair followed by a run (approx. 200m).
Two Rounds, Basic.
Three Rounds, Challenge. 
Four Rounds, Advanced.
Mountain Climbers x 60
Bench Dips x 20
Jumping Jacks x 30
Push Ups x 15
In/Out Squats x 15
Shoulder Push Ups x 10
Seal Jacks x 30
Thrusters x 15
Burpees x 10
Bench Step Ups with Knee Thrusts x 10/s

Wednesday Training Session - February 24

Wednesday Training Session
Free Weight Program - Each exercise group pair followed by a school run (approx. 200 meters).
Two Rounds, Basic.
Three Rounds, Challenge. 
Four Rounds, Advanced.
Plank Row with Push Up x 10/s
Thruster x 10
Bicep Curl x 10
Sumo Squat x 10
Shoulder Press x 10
Lateral Raise x 10
Tricep Kickback x 10
Burpee x 10

Thursday 4 February 2016

HIIT "THE BEAR" - February 3, 2016

- this program was an absolute monster.  What a lot of fun and what a huge turnout with our largest training group yet.

Staircase Squat Jumps x 10
Wobble Board Mountain Climbers x 10
Core V Sits x 20
Box Plyo Jumps x 10
Hanging Leg Raises x 30
Bar Dips x 10
Thrusters with Weight x 10
Decline Push Ups x 10
War Machines x 10
Crunches x 20

Each "RUN" section is a run up two flights of stairs, across the breadth of the school (50 meters), down two flights of stairs, then another run across the school (50 meters).

Complete three (3) rounds.

Saturday 30 January 2016

X Warrior Challenge Canada

Ready to be an X Warrior?

Hear the battle cry, Canada.

X Warrior delivers a lifetime experience to come alive again while training for and completing a homegrown, world class Obstacle Course Race. Regain your health, passion and competitive spirit while giving back to the community.

Open to athletes of all abilities, ages and backgrounds, X Warrior invites you to test your grit through a series of unique and challenging obstacles in one of three distinct settings: stadium, arena or wilderness. X Warrior seeks to reveal one’s true human spirit through physically demanding and mentally taxing obstacles. No gimmicks here – just one challenging race.

This isn’t just a battle of strength; it is a battle of spirit. Enlist now – victory can be yours.

Multiple Race Types

As an X Warrior, you have the chance to conquer more than one course type:
  • Stadium // 5km // 20+ stadium inspired obstacles. No mud..all sweat.

  • Arena // 3-5km // 15-20+ unique obstacles. Year Round Racing has arrived.

  • Wildnerness // 5km// 20+ unique obstacles. Mud, Sweat & Tears. 

Mason Program Plus - Weights (Darebee)

Mason Program - No Weights (Darebee)

Wicked Wraps Canada

Recently I had the opportunity to communicate with Lisa, the owner and operator, of Wicked Wraps.  She was kind enough to answer some questions about her uniquely Canadian brand.  Take the time to visit her site and see the wide, and constantly updated, variety of Wraps on her site at:

Can you tell me a little about yourself and your brand?
I am a Mom to 4 kids and for the past several years I’ve been a “stay at home Mom”
spending much of my spare time as a volunteer within my kids school, fundraising,
parent council etc. I first discovered CrossFit in Oct 2013 when a CrossFit gym opened
up in our town (CrossFit N6). I had heard a little about CrossFit from a friend but was
still unsure of what it was all about. A couple of months prior, my husband and I had
separated and I was now of the mindset that it was time to start doing some things for
myself. I had been wanting to “get fit” for a couple of years but hadn’t committed to
anything. Once I started CrossFit I was totally hooked and it’s been a huge part of my
life ever since. Lifting weights is incredibly empowering for a woman. I think every
woman should try it :)

What was the “spark” or start of your company?

As I went further into my CrossFit journey, I inevitably began collecting all the gear that
goes along with it. My first pair of wrist wraps were purchased for me by a CrossFit
friend who regularly travels to the U.S. She knew of a place in the States where she
could get hand made wraps. After using my new wraps for awhile I thought it would be
nice to add to my collection and get another pair with some sort of funky pattern (my
first ones were solids). So I went to Google which inevitably led me to Etsy which had a
great choice of wraps. The only problem was that none of them were made in Canada.
I was hoping to buy Canadian, not only to support Canadian business, but also to avoid
excessive shipping costs, wait time and then there is the matter of currency conversion
which often bumps up the price of anything we buy from the US considerably. This is
when I realized there was a gap in this niche market within Canada. I decided to have a
go at this and see if I could figure out how to make wrist wraps. I studied various styles
from different companies both large and small. I borrowed a serger machine and
started sewing. I made a few different versions and would bring them into the box and
get some input from my friend Kristen (who purchased my first pair) and my coach Sil
with regards to different fabrics and varying levels of support. Once I had settled on
something I liked, I started making a bit of stock and put together a website and things
took off from there. I’ve had tremendous support from the community at my box. It is so
fun to look around mid wod and see my wraps on so many wrists! It was also super
exciting to get that first “online” sale! That’s when I thought, “Ok, I can really make this

Where did the idea for your brand come from?
Haha, actually the name just popped into my head and I went with it…. Wicked Wraps
just sounded good to me so that’s what I stuck with.

What is the goal or main priorities of the brand and
company (outside of financial)?

My goal from the start has been to provide athletes and gym owners with a quality
Canadian option for purchasing wrist wraps. I’ve had a great deal of support from fellow
Canadians who truly want to support Canadian business. It’s quite heartwarming really.
Customer service is the main priority for me. My goal is not to offer the cheapest wraps
around or to have a million dollars in sales. My goal is to provide the best quality wraps
and exceptional customer satisfaction. If something is not right, I want to make it right.
I also want to provide a way for athletes to express their personality. I don’t sell solids
on my website and I’ve been asked why? Personally, I think solids are boring so I’ve
decided it’s not something that I want to offer (with the exception of custom logo orders).
I love all the prints and different ways you can put them together. I love the creative
process involved in designing the wraps, choosing colour schemes and finding funky
new fabrics. Put me in a fabric warehouse and I’m like a kid in a candy store! Can’t
believe I just said that, but its true ;)

How do customers/athletes, and their opinions, influence
or impact your brand?

My customers and their opinions have a huge influence on what I offer. I’m always
open to suggestions for design, product improvement, colour schemes etc. Quite
frankly, I aim to please. When athletes and gym owners let me know what they want, I’ll
always do my best to create it. I had a lovely thank you message from a lady in
Quebec. She had purchased a pair of wraps for her boyfriend and wanted to let me
know how much he enjoyed them. She also asked if I had ever considered doing a
“Frozen” themed wrap, that’s how the “Olaf” wrap came about. I love hearing from
customers and I try to stay constantly engaged with them via social media.

Where do you see your brand in one year and in five

As I have only been in business for a few months now (since mid Oct) it has been a bit
of a whirlwind. I started up just prior to Black Friday and then came the Christmas rush
immediately followed by Boxing Day. January has given me a little (much needed) time
to catch my breath and replenish my stock. Leading up to Christmas I spent many
nights at the machines until 3am. My stock was completely sold out and I was making
orders as they came in each day. My biggest goal for this first year is exposure/brand
recognition. I want Wicked Wraps to be the first thing that comes to mind when an
athlete needs a new pair of wraps. I have fortunate to have had the opportunity to sell
my wraps at a couple of local competitions, CrossFit Groundworx in Newmarket and a
WeLift event at CrossFit Durst in Brantford. I would like to get involved in more local
comps within Ontario in the coming months.
As far as a five year outlook, that’s hard to say at this point. I am figuring things out as I
go and making changes along the way as needed. I definitely want to grow this
business and see where I can take it, at the same time staying true to my roots and
keeping it Canadian.

What is the impact of social media on your brand and

I love social media, it has had huge impact on my business. Social media makes it
possible for absolutely anyone to bring an idea or vision to life even on an extremely
limited budget. It gives you the power to reach thousands of people across the globe. To
this point all of my marketing has been done via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It
has allowed me to expand into the US where we have several customers. We have also
had requests from UK and around the world. I am hoping to start shipping internationally
by the end of 2016.

If you wanted people to know one thing about the
clothing (art, fit, durability, etc). What would it be?
Hmm… I guess I want people to know that I will always put out the best product I
possibly can. Sub-standard doesn’t cut it. Quality over quantity every time. I want to
earn your business by simply providing you with the best

Gear review to follow!!

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wednesday Training Day - January 27

Today we ran it a little bit differently.  We had a couple of our coaches a little sore from a couple of combined leg days.  As a result, we did an upper body only day but the student-athletes wanted a challenge.

Here goes.  Each exercise done in order with the rep count at the top.  Our student dumbells max out at 8lbs.  We coached them to use 8's, then drop to 5's, then drop to 3's...if necessary.  A great workout and a great burn.

40 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

50 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

60 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

Sunday 24 January 2016

Friday Night (Date Night) Workout - January 22

Date Night Workout

Target: Triceps, Shoulders, Back
- Four Sets

One Arm Bench Rows x 10 (me: 30lbs per side, wife: 15lbs)
Skull Crushers x 10 (me: 135lbs, wife: 55lbs)
Dumbell Row x 10 (me: 55lbs, wife: 25lbs)
Tricep Kick Back x 10 (me: 45lbs, wife: 15lbs)

Shrugs x 10 (me: 15lbs per side, wife: 8lbs)
Tricep Overhead Press x 10 (me: 15lbs, wife: 8lbs)
Shoulder Press x 10 (me: 135lbs, wife: 55lbs)
Arnold Press x 10 (me: 55lbs, wife, 25lbs)

Lateral Raises x 10 (me: 25lbs, wife: 10lbs)
Front Raise x 10 (me: 25lbs, wife: 10lbs)
Bench Dips x 30 (no weight)
Bent Over Rows (me: 80lbs, wife: 50lbs)

Full Sit Up x 30 (me: 30lbs, wife: 15lbs)
Russian Twists x 30 (me: 30lbs, wife: 15lbs)
Leg Raises x 30 (no weight)

Wednesday Night Workout - January 20

Okay, training evening with my awesome wife.  It's going to be a little rough on me because Wednesdays are the day that I run my afterschool training program.  This means that today is going to be a "two a day" that both occur within about four hours of each other.  No worries.

Wednesday afterschool workout will be posted after.

Night Workout

Target: Legs, Core, Chest
- Four Sets

Sumo Squats x 10 (me: 30lbs per side, wife: 15lbs)
Bar Squats x 10 (me: 135lbs, wife: 55lbs)
Dumbell Bench Press x 10 (me: 55lbs, wife: 25lbs)
Chest Flye x 10 (me: 45lbs, wife: 15lbs)

Bench Step Up x 10 (me: 15lbs per side, wife: 8lbs)
Narrow/Wide Jump Squats x 10 (me: 15lbs, wife: 8lbs)
Bar Bench Press x 10 (me: 135lbs, wife: 55lbs)
Dumbell Pull Over x 10 (me: 55lbs, wife, 25lbs)

Full Sit Up x 30 (me: 30lbs, wife: 15lbs)
Russian Twists x 30 (me: 30lbs, wife: 15lbs)
Leg Raises x 30 (no weight)

Saturday 16 January 2016

Love the Pain Inc. - Gear Blog

Recently, I had the opportunity to ask the team at "Love the Pain Inc" a few questions about themselves, their brand and their goals.  Here's what they had to say.

Interview Questions
1.      Can you tell me a little about yourself and your brand?
2.      What was the “spark” or start of your company?
3.      Where did the idea for your brand come from?
4.      What is the goal or main priorities of the brand and company (outside of financial)?
5.      How do customers/athletes, and their opinions, influence or impact your brand?
6.      Where do you see your brand in one year and in five years?
7.      What is the impact of social media on your brand and business?
8.      If you wanted people to know one thing about the clothing (art, fit, durability, etc).  What would it be?
1. Love The Pain, Inc. is owned my brother in law (Ben) and I. The idea was not to just have a brand but rather a lifestyle that promotes healthy living and overcoming what we perceive as limitations in all aspects of life.
This is from the "About Us" section of our website:
"Love The Pain is not just a brand, its a lifestyle.  For those who like to give it their all in exchange for a few seconds of extreme satisfaction.  A feeling that cannot be explained in words.  A feeling one must experience for oneself in order to fully grasp the power that comes with it.  The concept is as simple as don't quit.  Embrace the down as much as the up.  Whether you are an amateur or pro we invite you to join the movement and Love The Pain."

2. Going into some personal details here, I have been fighting Crohn's Disease since I was 14 years old. 20 years later at the age of 34, my quality of life was at an all time low. I was landing in the hospital a couple to a few times a year, dealt with discomfort and pain daily and life was a struggle since this nasty disease dictated my entire daily routine. Not to mention the amount of medication I was prescribed over the years.
I tried different things to become healthier and change the course of my life but nothing really stuck. It was an uphill battle that presented challenges I felt were too great for me. 
One day I just decided to ask Ben a few questions about what it is that he does (hes was already a couple years into the world of Endurance Sports and Triathlons). He went into some detail and at the end asked me if I wanted to run w/ him the next day. I was reluctant to say yes but something in me I guess was still searching for that one thing that would make my situation better. I replied with a yes and sure enough I ran 3 miles the next day. The day after he let me borrow one of his bikes and on the third day we went swimming. By the end of the day I was hooked! He pretty much became my personal trainer/coach until I was able to climb the ladder and ultimately become his training partner.
So regarding the "spark" - I guess we were already living that lifestyle, so the company came naturally.

3. The idea for the brand came purely from "The Pain" we were experiencing while training. We kept pushing each other by saying "Love The Pain" on a regular basis. It became our Mantra. It became our way of embracing the pain. We figured it's always going to be there, why not learn to Love it. For me it also reflected on the severe pain I experienced with Crohn's and it taught me to fight the disease rather then surrendering to it. Slowly but surely the symptoms started dying off.

4. Our main priority is to spread the "Love The Pain" mantra and educate people about the importance of physical activities and how crucial it is for strengthening not only the body but the mind as well. Our message is that no matter what you are going through in life, you can overcome the pain. I am  living proof that it is possible.
Our company  is targeted more around the Endurance Sports community specifically Triathlons as of right now but we plan on expanding to all sports. We also welcome all levels of experience to get on board this movement. Doesn't matter if you just started walking yesterday or if you are a pro.

5. Our goal as the owners of the company is to stay in direct contact with our customers/athletes. We highly value their feedback and adjust our products accordingly. We understand that it's our customers who make us successful so it is key to stay open to suggestions and remain in close contact with them.

6. In one year we plan on having a full line of active wear including tri suits, cycling jerseys and so on. A lot of this will already be available at the end of February but we feel that our creativity and the message will continue to snowball and gain traction as more and more people are becoming aware of their ability to take control of their life.
In 5 years we plan on being a major player in the Endurance Sports world. We would like to sponsor athletes and create programs that promote this sport from a very young age. (Both of my nephews ages 5 and 7 are triathletes in training already)

7. Social Media has been a huge impact. It has allowed us to reach out to our target market in the most personable way. We are able to communicate with endurance sports enthusiasts very easily and grow our brand through a cult type following. Organic and real.

8. We design, craft, create and test our products personally here in Los Angeles. We don't release anything that we wouldn't wear ourselves. Everyone should know that Love The Pain, Inc. is dedicated to high quality and high performance. We pour our heart and soul into our products because we plan on being here for a while!