Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wednesday Training Day - January 27

Today we ran it a little bit differently.  We had a couple of our coaches a little sore from a couple of combined leg days.  As a result, we did an upper body only day but the student-athletes wanted a challenge.

Here goes.  Each exercise done in order with the rep count at the top.  Our student dumbells max out at 8lbs.  We coached them to use 8's, then drop to 5's, then drop to 3's...if necessary.  A great workout and a great burn.

40 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

50 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

60 Reps
Bicep Curl
Tricep Press
Shoulder Press
Push Up
Bench Dip
Bent Over Rows
Hammer Curls
Pull Ups (to fatigue)

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