Wednesday 6 January 2016

Why bother?

So, early on each January (or sometimes late December) people start making the decision to change their lifestyle and their lives.  For most, it's pretty easy.  Buy a membership, join a group, hire a trainer, make some choices.  Nothing to it.
Fast forward a few weeks into January.  Most of the "resolutioners" are falling off the bandwagon, or have already.  Some have stuck it out and managed to go from chore to habit.  However, those who have, or are, falling off have a very similar mind set.  "WHY BOTHER?"

It's not so much a question that they ask themselves as it is their mantra.
Should I go back to the gym tonight?  Why bother?
Should I avoid having that extra slice, piece, helping?  Why bother?
Should I continue to go to my class, session, trainer?  Why bother?

I find myself faced with this same question, not just in the new year, but all year long.  Does one little choice, one little slip, one little alternative really have that big an impact on the healthy choices that I may, or may not, be providing for myself?
I had it this morning, when I got up and noticed an extra (unhealthy) snack I could pack in my lunch.  I had it this afternoon when my "emergency" can of coke in our shared fridge called to me as I hit the mid day slump.  I also had it late this afternoon when I met with my students to provide them with a healthy fitness addition to their day.
I could have had the snack.  I passed but it was close.  Yogurt and granola filled the gap.
I could have drank the coke. This one was a battle, but a liter of water later fought back that urge.
I could have phoned it in with my students, designed the workout and "supported" their training.  This wasn't even a choice.  They work harder and are fierce when we, and the rest of the team, are sweating right along beside them.

It all comes down to the WHY in the WHY BOTHER?
50% of my WHY, for me, is below.  This is a picture of me walking out of the hospital, carrying my son.  I was terrified, not just because this was our second.  Or, because I could barely cope with all of the changes from welcoming our first.  Instead, I needed to be better for myself, my wife but especially my children.  I needed to lead by example, blaze the trail and build the foundation.

In many ways since this photo was taken I have done this.  I compete more frequently, train smarter, make better choices, and get more rest.  In some ways though, I still make mistakes.  When I do make poor choices, I do so with gusto.  When I don't train, it cascades.  When I don't get rest, I really don't rest.
I am still pushing though.  Not looking at the days, weeks and months ahead but rather, at the next moment and the one after that.
So, here we are again with the looming spectre that is the New Years Resolution (NYR).  Instead of asking yourself "WHY BOTHER?" a few weeks from now, ask why your started.
"WHY NOT?" should easily outlast "WHY BOTHER?"

 (Moms too!!!)

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