Wednesday 11 November 2015

Thor Workout with Avenger Challenge - Thursday, November 12

Mjolnir Workout - 3 Rounds
Hammer Curls - 20
Dumbell Squat Swings - 20
Hammer Slam Lunges - 10/s
Anterior Raises - 20

Plate Jump Squats - 20
Weighted Bench Dips - 20
Decline Push Ups - 20
Bench Mountain Climbers - 20/s

Join the Avengers - 2 Rounds
Leg Raises - 20
Plate Thrusters - 20
Chin Ups -5

Iron Man Workout with Avenger Challenge - Monday, November 9

Tin Man Workout - 3 Rounds
Knee to Elbow Push Ups - 10/s
Squat with Plate Press Over - 20
Bicep Hammer Curl - 20
Bench Step Up with Knee Drive - 10/s

Standing Plate Raise - 20
Goblet Squat - 20
Bench Dip - 20
Squat Out (Squat Jump to Sumo Squat, Repeat) - 10

Bent Over Fly - 20
Single Leg Pistol Squats - 10/s
Lateral Raise - 20
Hip Raise or Single Leg Split Squat - 10/s

Join the Avengers - 2 Rounds
Plank Jack Push Up - 10
Knee Drives - 20/s
Tricep Dips - 5

Friday 6 November 2015

Black Widow Workout with Avengers Challenge - November 6, 2015

Sting Workout - Three Rounds
Sumo Squat x 20
Decline Push Up x 20
Jump Lunge x 10/s
Bench Dip x 20

Bench Jump Over x 10
Single Leg Lunge/Pistols x 10/s
Plank Shoulder Touches x 20/s
Flutter Kick x 100

Jumping Jacks x 100
Push Ups x 20
Plank Walk Outs x 10
Knee Drives with Step Up x 20/s

Join the Avengers
War Machines x 20
Side Squat x 10/s
Spider Push Up x 10 (5/s)

Incredible Hulk Workout with Avengers Challenge - November 4, 2015

Incredible Workout - Three Rounds
Wide Push Ups x 20
Sumo Squat x 20
Bench Dips x 20
Stair Squat Jumps x 2 sets of stairs

Shoulder Presses (with weight) x 10
Bicep Curls (with weight) x 10
Squat Thruster (with weight) x 10
Bent Over Row (with weight) x 10

Flutter Kicks x 100
Full Sit Up x 20

Join the Avengers - Two Rounds
Bar Dips x 5
Decline Push Ups (Big Box) x 10
Squat (with weight) x 20

Captain America Workout with Avengers Challenge - November 1, 2015

Workout - Three Rounds
High Knees x 20
Shoulder Touch Planks x 20
Bicep Curl x 20
Calf Raise x 20
Chin Up x 5
Air Squat x 20
Push Ups x 20
Bench Dips x 20
Lunge x 10/s
Prone Pull Ups x 10

Join the Avengers - Two Rounds
War Machines x 10
Sumo Squat Pulses x 30
Bench Squat Jumps x 10

Weekend Bag Workout - October 2015

Power House Workout - Find a sandbag, duffle bag, or something like it, and fill to a capable weight. This can be done with clothing but weights could be a little dangerous.

Sunday 1 November 2015

How to do a Burpee.

Personal Best #2 - October 31

Personal Best #2
- We have slightly modified the Personal Best for the competition to include the following activities:
1. Push Ups
2. Full Sit Ups
3. Burpees
4. Bench Dips
5. Calf Raises

Criteria remains the same: 2 minutes maximal output, rotate through exercises with a rest break between each, perfect form.

Weekend Workout - End of October

Power House Workout - Find a sandbag, duffle bag, or something like it, and fill to a capable weight.  This can be done with clothing but weights could be a little dangerous.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Project Gains Workout - Body Weight and Weights

Project Gains - Complex Movement Workout (Weight and Body Weight)

* Complete all exercises for four rounds with perfect form and 1-2 minutes rest between rounds.

Lunge with Bicep Curl (Weight) - 20/20

Squat with Overhead Press (Weight) - 20/20

Push Up with Plank Row (Weight) - 15/15

Bench Dip with Decline Push Up - 20/20

Bench Step Up with Knee Drive to Chest - 20/s

Full Sit Up with Flutter Kick (Body Weight) - 20/20

Thursday 22 October 2015

Boost Smoothy

We Are the Machines (Project X Workout)

Cumulative Workout to Build Capacity in six (6) movement patterns.
Complete each exercise in sequence and complete 4 rounds.

Round #1
Push Up x 30
Squat x 30
Plank Jack x 30
Jumping Jack x 30
Bench Dip x 30
Crunch x 30

Round #2
Push Up x 20
Squat x 20
Plank Jack x 20
Jumping Jack x 20
Bench Dip x 20
Crunch x 20

Round #3
Push Up x 15
Squat x 15
Plank Jack x 15
Jumping Jack x 15
Bench Dip x 15
Crunch x 15

Round #4
Push Up x 10
Squat x 10
Plank Jack x 10
Jumping Jack x 10
Bench Dip x 10
Crunch x 10

3, 2, 1....GO (Project X Workout)

3, 2, 1.....GO!!!! Workout

Lots of agility work, lots of core, lots of strength...basically a whole lot of everything.  Welcome to the week and 3, 2, 1...

(Complete each exercise in sequence for two to three rounds)

Agility Ladder Two Step x 2
Agility Ladder Push Up x 2
Agility Ladder Plyo Jump x 2
Agility Ladder Lateral Squat x 2

Full Sit Up x 20
Plank Shoulder Touches x 20
Flutter Kicks x 50
Core Pointer x 20

Bench Dip x 20
Single Leg Power Step Up x 20/s
Decline Push Up x 20
Split Squat x 10/s

Tryptophan Workout (Turkey Workout)

As many reps as possible with perfect form until fatigue or 20 repetitions, then rest and move on to next exercise. Two Rounds (if possible).

Bicep Curl

Hammer Curl

Shoulder Press

Arnold Press

Push Up with Weights

Prone Chest Press

Pelvic Raise with Weights

Tricep Press

Tricep Kickback

Bent Over Row

Back Flye/Reverse Fly

Squat with Weight

Calf Raise with Weight

Squat Thrusters

Jumping Jacks (no weights)

Mountain Climbers (no weights)

Core and Leg Day

Core and Leg Day (3 rounds, 2 minutes rest between rounds)

40 Full Sit Ups
40 Body Folds
40 Squat Jumps
200 Flutter Kicks
Pilates 100's
100 Calf Raises
40 Oblique Crunches
40 Balloon Crunches (Hands intertwined and legs at 90 degrees)
40 Sumo Squat Pulses
40 Russian Twists (20 per side)
40 sec Plank Hold
40 sec Static Skater

Strength Workout

Strength Day.  No Weights.

No time limit.  Complete all exercises.  Not necessarily in order, but fully completed.

50 Tricep Push Ups

200 Calf Raises

50 Body Folds

50 Double Thrusters

30 Dips

30 Resisted Leg Raises

30 Box Jumps

30 Dive Bomber Push Ups

20 Clock Lunges

20 War Machines

20 Decline Push Ups (Feet on Box)

Reminder: Thruster is like a Mountain Climber but start in a plank position, thrust both legs up to chest while keeping hands on the ground, jump legs back out to plank.

Fatigue Workout

Complete all exercises in order.  2 minutes per workout, maximal output and performance.  3 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds (or no rest if you are pushing yourself)

Thermopylae 2015

Push Ups

Full Sit Ups


Plank Up Downs

War Machines

Squat Jumps

Chin Ups

Leg Raises

Reminder: War Machines are similar to a burpee.  Jump Up, drop into a plank, do a plank jack, do a push up, jump immediately to your feet without touching down, land in a squat and then stand.  Repeat.

Cry Baby Workout

Welcome to the first training session of the year.

Completion workout - complete all of the following exercises using perfect form.  Rest is based on what you need for this first round.  Rest as little as possible to push your cardiovascular system.  Stay hydrated and we will finish with a full stretch after.

Cry Baby

Toes to Bar  x 20

Push Ups x 50

Body Folds x 50

Tricep Push Up x 50

Squat Jumps x 30

Dips x 30

Clock Lunge x 10 rotations "around the clock"

Dive Bomber Push Ups x 30

Chin Up x 20

Full Range Calf Raises x 200

Box Jumps x 20

Plank Up Downs x 30

Saturday 26 September 2015

Strength Workout - No Weight - Monday, September 21

Strength Day.  No Weights.

No time limit.  Complete all exercises.  Not necessarily in order, but fully completed.

50 Tricep Push Ups

200 Calf Raises

50 Body Folds

50 Double Thrusters

30 Dips

30 Resisted Leg Raises

30 Box Jumps

30 Dive Bomber Push Ups

20 Clock Lunges

20 War Machines

20 Decline Push Ups (Feet on Box)

Reminder: Thruster is like a Mountain Climber but start in a plank position, thrust both legs up to chest while keeping hands on the ground, jump legs back out to plank.

Fatigue Workout - Wednesday, September 16

Complete all exercises in order.  2 minutes per workout, maximal output and performance.  3 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds (or no rest if you are pushing yourself)

Thermopylae 2015

Push Ups

Full Sit Ups


Plank Up Downs

War Machines

Squat Jumps

Chin Ups

Leg Raises

Reminder: War Machines are similar to a burpee.  Jump Up, drop into a plank, do a plank jack, do a push up, jump immediately to your feet without touching down, land in a squat and then stand.  Repeat.

Cry Baby Workout (because I was crying the next day) - Monday, September 14

Completion workout - complete all of the following exercises using perfect form.  Rest is based on what you need for this first round.  Rest as little as possible to push your cardiovascular system.  Stay hydrated and we will finish with a full stretch after.

Cry Baby

Toes to Bar  x 20

Push Ups x 50

Body Folds x 50

Tricep Push Up x 50

Squat Jumps x 30

Dips x 30

Clock Lunge x 10 rotations "around the clock"

Dive Bomber Push Ups x 30

Chin Up x 20

Full Range Calf Raises x 200

Box Jumps x 20

Plank Up Downs x 30

Monday 10 August 2015

Evolution by Joe Manganiello - Book Review

Coming Soon - Book Review and Workout Review/Discussion

Punta De Mita Workout #3 (Shoulders/Legs)

Shoulders/Legs (accessory work - Biceps)

Seated Military Press 3 x 8 @ 135lbs
Lateral Raise 3 x 8 @ 25lbs
Frontal Raise 3 x 8 @ 25lbs
Shoulder Press 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Arnold Press 3 x 8 @ 40lbs
Toro Raise 3 x 8 @ 20lbs

Smith Squats 3 x 8 @ 135lbs

Lunges 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Squats 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Leg Extensions 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Leg Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs

EZ Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Hammer Curls 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Rotation Curls 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Cross Curls 3 x 8 @ 40lbs
Cable Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs

Centurion Workout (

Samson Workout (

Punta De Mita Workout #2 (Biceps/Triceps)

Biceps/ Triceps (accessory work - Legs)

EZ Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Hammer Curls 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Rotation Curls 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Cross Curls 3 x 8 @ 40lbs
Cable Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs

Cable Press Down 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Cable Press Over 3 x 8 @ 80lbs
Bench Tricep Kickback 3 x 8 @ 35lbs
Skull Crushers 3 x 8 @ 95lbs
Dips 3 x Fatigue @ body weight

Smith Squats 3 x 8 @ 135lbs
Lunges 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Squats 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Leg Extensions 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Leg Curls 3 x 8 @ 90lbs

Punta De Mita Workout #1 (Chest/Back)

Chest/Back (accessory work - Triceps)

Bench Press 4 x 6 @ 175lbs
Bench Pull Over 3 x 8 @ 60lbs
DB Chest Flye 3 x 8 @ 40lbs
Incline Bench Press 3 x 8 @ 135lbs
DB Chest Press 3 x 8 @ 55lbs
DB Chest Flye 3 x 8 @ 40lbs

Bar Pull Up 4 x 8 @ 135lbs
Single Arm Row 3 x 8 @ 75lbs
Lat Pull Down 3 x 8 @ 135lbs
Seated Cable Row 3 x 8 @ 135lbs
Bent Over Flye 3 x 8 @ 45lbs
Pull Ups 3 x Fatigue @ body weight

Cable Press Down 3 x 8 @ 90lbs
Cable Press Over 3 x 8 @ 80lbs
Bench Tricep Kickback 3 x 8 @ 35lbs
Skull Crushers 3 x 8 @ 95lbs
Dips 3 x Fatigue @ body weight

Thursday 30 July 2015

Powered by Hylete Preferred Pricing

IGNITE FITNESS is an official endorser of HYLETE performance apparel and has become "powered by HYLETE". As a benefit, you are eligible for a "powered by HYLETE" Athlete account.
  • Visit ( to create your 20% off account.
  • Receive 50% off your first purchase.
  • Select "IGNITE FITNESS" or "WARMACHINE" as your referred by.

HYLETE Pro Quad-Blend V Neck Review

Coming Soon!!
Shirt will be reviewed after it's use for teachering, coaching, training...and seeing if it'll pass as a "dressy" shirt for a night out!

QALO Athletic Ring Review

QALO Ring Review
Coming Soon.

Hylete Vertex Short Review

Hylete Vertex Short
Review coming soon.  Shorts will go through standard training (HIIT, Weights, Swimming, etc) but will also be the shorts used in the Rugged Maniac, Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and Mud Hero this season.
Remember to use "WARMACHINE" or "THERMOPYLAE" or "IGNITEFITNESS" before July 31, 2015 to receive 50% off your first HYLETE purchase.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Enter Reaper.

Needed something a little more challenging to go along with my TRX/free weight workout today.  Enter "REAPER" to destroy my core.

Body Flow - Flexibility Training

My flexibility is terrible and it creates a vortex of physiotherapists, chiropractors and pain management.  I need to be better with my flexibility and recovery.  I also need to make stretching a bigger part of my training (pre and post workout).
This is a good start!!

Reclaimer (Darebee)

Great little workout with quite a punch if you cut out the rest and add a decline or light weights.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Rugged Maniac - Video Summation

I will post a longer, and more detailed, review of the Rugged Maniac held in Calgary this weekend.  However, until then, I have a short video that sums up my training heading into this event.
(mild language)

Friday 17 July 2015

Fitness Update and Body Awareness - July 17, 2015

Training on vacation, eating as clean as I can be while traveling, maintaining two different blogs and long hours (mostly due to what I'll call vacation insomnia) has brought on some interesting changes while also causing some "deep thoughts" on my part.

Today was the canary in the cage for me.  Woke up this morning having really not done anything different since the summer started.  However, was pleasantly surprised by the sight that greeted me in the mirror.  Defined v in the pelvis and a start to oblique striations from the core.  My response was professional, moderate and precise....I ran after my wife, who was on her way out the door, and dragged her bodily back to show her in the mirror (it could have been the lighting).  Her response was to shrug, attack her own progress and tell me she always thinks "I'm hot".  Wow....there goes my fleeting moment of joy.

It does raise an interesting thought though.  I started this blog, not to train to be hot but, to become fit so I could lead a more active life with my children.  Now, ironically, here I was hamming it up in front of a mirror because of some minor progress.  Hypocrite....know thy self.

However, can't I be a little joyous about some progress.  It's more than I've seen training to be hot.  More cardio, more HIIT, better nutrition and hydration, and time spent making my training better rather than more.  Shorter training sessions with less rest are showing marked improvement on my physique.

Tomorrow will be another test when I have my first race of the season in the Rugged Maniac.

It's an interesting set of circumstances.  On the one hand I am working towards a more well rounded lifestyle, getting my nasty chocolate addiction under control, modeling best practice for my children and spouse, while getting myself to a better place.  On the other hand, can I have both?  Can I be fit, be a role model for my children and achieve some semblance of the body that I think I can earn?  Or do I have to choose?
Are the stereotypes true?
Whole life loving, paleo eating, everyman with a temperance towards bamboo fitness wear and coconut water versus the protein swilling, stringer t wearing, monosyllabic, selfie taking, gym monkey?

I want both.  I want my children to run and laugh while being able to participate in any activity they want, but I also want the look that I get from my wife (and occasional butt smack) when I look strong or look amazing in a nice shirt/slacks.

To be continued....

(for those looking for the pic to go with this mornings progress, refer to the blog post about taking a selfie.  Even my robust ego might not be able to handle the additional abuse my wife would heap on me.)

Friday 10 July 2015

TRX Dock Workout - July 9, 2015

Dock Workout with a TRX Force Kit
(Three/Four Sets at 10 reps, superset exercises, rest between sets)

Bicep Curl

High Row

Low Row

Isolated Reverse Plank

Tricep Extension

Squats (no photo)

Chest Press

Single Leg Lunge/ Pistol Squat (no photo)

Plank with Double Leg Thruster

Standing Side/Oblique Rotation

Hulk Sand Workout - Beach - July 8, 2015

Hulk Sand Workout
- again, have some natural barriers/obstacles that I can use
to train with.  Great to take advantage of what's around you and it is also a great excuse to get used to alternative training if you don't have any equipment on hand.

3 sets - exercises done one set at a time in sequence.

Beach Run - 2 x 50 m sprint

Hulk Squats - 30 squats

Hulk Squat Jumps - 30 jumps

Sand Plank Jacks (or water plank jacks) - 30

Dock Get Outs (press yourself out of the water using only upper body strength) - 20

Dock Flutter Kicks (hands on dock, legs in the water) - 100

Sand Single Leg Push Ups - 30

Sand Mountain Climbers - 60

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Dead Head (Phone Pole) Beach Workout - July 7, 2015

So, sometimes your surrounding lend themselves to fitness/exercise.  In this case, the location that I was at had a "deadhead" or partially floating log.  The log had been submerged for some amount of time and as a result was partially afloat and partially sunken.  It posed a bit of a risk to swimmers, my children included so myself and another gentleman pulled it out to where you see it here.  It stayed there for a few days before it was towed out.  I took the opportunity to use it to train on the second day.

Dead Head Program
- Three sets 20 reps or failure

DeadHead Shoulder Presses
DeadHead Squats (Hold the log in a controlled position at chest height facing it straight on)
DeadHead Tricep Press/Arnold Press (Elbows in)
DeadHead Sumo Squats
DeadHead Bent Over Row
DeadHead Jump Overs
DeadHead Returns (Drag/carry the dry end back into the lake and then return it to the beach)

Monday 6 July 2015

Summer Beach - Hulk Buster Workout

Hulk Buster Beach Workout

Sand Squat Jumps - 20
Sand Lunges - 20/s
Sand Mountain Climbers - 60

Wave Run - from surf line to chest deep and back again twice

Sand Jumping Jacks - 60
Sand Plank Jacks - 60
Sand Push Ups - 20

Wave Run - from surf line to chest deep and back again twice

Picnic Table Dips - 60
Picnic Table Decline Push Ups - 20
Picnic Table Squat Jumps - 20

* Repeat program for 2 - 4 sets

Sunday 5 July 2015

Quick HIIT Beach Workout

Full Body (completed in sequence from top to bottom and repeated three times)
Squats - 20
Push Ups - 20
Lunges - 20/s
Bench Dips - 20
Sumo Squats - 20
Pull Ups/Chin Ups - Fatigue

Saturday 4 July 2015

Pick Up Workout - Weight Circuit - Summer 2015

Pickup Up Workout using adjustable dumbbells, body weight and the bed of a pick up truck.
Each exercise was done for a minimum of 8 reps and a maximum of 20 reps.  Any exercise done over 10 reps and finished at 20 had a 10 second static (not moving) rest and then an additional 5 "burn out" repetitions of the same exercise.  

Ex. 20 push ups, hold in push up position for 10 seconds and then finish out with 5 more pushup.

Alternating Bicep Curl

Shoulder Press

Tricep Extension

Weighted Squat
Bent Over Flyes

Truck Bed Dips

Truck Bed Pushups