Thursday 22 October 2015

3, 2, 1....GO (Project X Workout)

3, 2, 1.....GO!!!! Workout

Lots of agility work, lots of core, lots of strength...basically a whole lot of everything.  Welcome to the week and 3, 2, 1...

(Complete each exercise in sequence for two to three rounds)

Agility Ladder Two Step x 2
Agility Ladder Push Up x 2
Agility Ladder Plyo Jump x 2
Agility Ladder Lateral Squat x 2

Full Sit Up x 20
Plank Shoulder Touches x 20
Flutter Kicks x 50
Core Pointer x 20

Bench Dip x 20
Single Leg Power Step Up x 20/s
Decline Push Up x 20
Split Squat x 10/s

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