Friday 4 July 2014

Sage Hill Boot Camp Fitness Circuit #2 Partner Workout (July 3, 2014)

8 Stations broken into 4 group pairings.  Working with a partner.  Rotating through for time.  1 minute per station then rotate.  Rest at the end of each full circuit (2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 30 seconds).  Repeat four (4) times through completely.  Begin with dynamic warm up/stretch and finish with a static cool down/stretch.  We will also cover the intro to PNF stretching techniques both partner and solo.

Pop Squat
- Feet together.  Jump to feet shoulder width apart and drop into squat...repeat!
- Stop when hip crease is parallel with knees
- Keep knees behind or inline with toes

Plank Walks
- Hold in a Plank Position. Either on forearms or palms.  Straight body line: shoulders, hips, knees, ankles
- Walk body down agility ladder while keeping core tight and a rigid body

Walking Lunges (possibly with Pulse)
- Step out and lunge down creating a 90 degree angle at both knees
- Make sure the steps are wide enough to accommodate the 90 degrees without you having to lean forward
- More advanced users can add a pulse where you repeat the movement without taking the next step.  Leaving the hamstrings and quads activated and increasing fatigue.

Combat Bag Bicep Curls (20lb bag)
- Shoulders back
- Tighten core
- Curl bag from pelvis to collar bone, keeping elbows in
- Press down and fully extend arms back to pelvis

Release Push Ups
- Plank position
- Lower body to ground
- Release hands from hold
- Return hands back to a comfortable position and press body back to plank position

Full Sit Up
- Laying down with legs at 90 degrees
- Sit body up until elbows pass the plane of the knees
- If this is too challenging, keep hands on thighs and curl torso up and forward until hands are resting on knees

Bench Step Up
- Stable base
- Step up and onto raised platform
- More advanced users can add weights for resistance and/or power up the trail leg (or non stepping leg) into a knee driving position at end of movement

Incline Push Up
- In a plank position against a raised platform
- Lower chest to platform
- Press back up to plank keeping the stable and rigid body line
- Do not lock out joints at end range of movement

Additional exercises covered:
Jane Fonda - knee power ups repeated with weights
Jumping Jacks - performed holding light weights
Bicycle Crunches - rotate torso to opposing leg
Core Lengths - vertical crunch
Mountain Climbers - plank position driving feet up to hands in an alternating pattern
Thrusters - similar to mountain climber but driving both legs up to hands and then out to plank

Enjoy and stay safe!

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