Thursday 3 July 2014

Sage Hill Boot Camp Fitness Circuit #1 (July 2, 2014)

8 Stations rotating through for time.  1 minute per station they rotate.  Rest at the end of each full circuit (2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 30 seconds).  Repeat four (4) times through completely.  Begin with dynamic warm up/stretch and finish with a static cool down/stretch.

Air Squat
- Feet shoulder width apart.  Go from "Superhero to Butterfly to Superhero"...repeat!
- Stop when hip crease is parallel with knees
- Keep knees behind or inline with toes

Shoulder Press (20lb combat bag)
- Front rotate hips to square pelvis
- Press over head without locking out elbows

Agility Ladder (Single step, Double step, Icky shuffle)
- One foot in each space, two feet in each space or step in with both and then out with one and repeat

Kettle Bell Swing (Standing or Squat)
- Shoulders back
- Tighten core
- Fully extend above body

Hill Run (Regular or Reverse)
- Stay on toes
- Drive knees up and toes down into turf
- Hands cycle from chin to hip and back

TRX Rows (High Elbows and Low Elbows)
- Elbows level with shoulders or in line with lowest set of ribs
- Closer the feet are to the anchor point the harder the exercise (more body weight) becomes

Bicep Rotation Curl (Free Weight)
- Stable base
- Press fully down at bottom

Tricep Overhead Extension (Free Weight)
- Upper arm against ear without leaning head
- Press behind head and up
- Don't lock out joints

Enjoy and stay safe!

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