Thursday 31 July 2014

HYLETE Support

Well, it’s been a pretty incredible first half of the summer filled with training, time spent with my family, and our long vacation to the lake.  I have been very lucky this summer to have the warmth of an incredible vacation spot and the support of an understanding wife for my training and competition goals.  Support is hard to come by sometimes.  It can take many forms.  It can be colleagues or teammates, family, friends, the athletic community or possibly a company that you have come to rely on to make great gear at a reasonable price.

It’s no secret that I thoroughly enjoy HYLETE products and that I personally feel that they have the best people working for them. (Makes me want to look for employment at Solano Beach)
I am also a member of the Train Team, although I could do a lot more to contribute to that facet of my relationship with HYLETE.  This though in no way alters or affects my judgement of HYLETE, their gear or their people.  I'm not the HYLETE poster child and I do wear other gear, from other companies.  I can make an educated choice and I hope to help others make educated choices on their gear and the hard earned money that they spend on it.

I have been in the industry long enough to have a clear head, and a sense of responsibility, to my readers to give them the best information possible.

This all leads to support.  HYLETE looks after their customers.  To not put too fine a point on it.  You have a problem….they will fix it.  You have a suggestion for them….they will listen and move forward.  You want the best gear you can get at a cost that makes sense….they are your place to go.  You want an unheard of backing of TWO years on their gear….it’s only here.

Contact customer service….you get Abbe, the Brand Experience Manager, who works with you to resolve any issues you may have. 

Custom gear for events/gyms/competitions….you get Jon who knows his stuff, knows all about their products and is the mover and shaker to get it done.  He moved heaven and earth to get a logo done for a youth event that I organize.  Well above the call of duty.

Event Promotion and Athlete contact….you get Jenn who is a social media savant and takes care of the athletes with the best gear.

I am excited to see what HYLETE has coming up in the future.

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