Saturday 16 March 2013


Been an interesting week for training.  Winter training can be functional for many people.  Goals are reached, boundaries pushed and opportunities experienced.  For me however, winter training sucks.  That being said, I have had to up my "clicks" during my training.  I love to cycle but hate to run, my three events this Summer though are all running and obstacle challenges.  So I thought I would address the "run".
As you've seen in previous posts, the Spartan Race and Mud Hero challenged me physically but also mentally.  Running 5 km on a treadmill or on the road is very different from running a 5 or 6 km race with obstacle stations throughout.  On the one hand.  You may not be running it the whole time (I certainly didn't), but as you meet each obstacle your pace and your energy is challenged.  The obstacles could possibly be cardio based or strength based.  Either way, your training needs to adapt to reflect the event and what type of terrain or obstacles you may encounter.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I understand that for many people 5 or 6 km at a race pace is not considered a challenge, for a's plenty.  Every kilometer is a marathon and every minute is an eternity.

My distances and times are improving and I will, comfortably, complete the races this summer.  However, I feel it's important to discuss the value of the run.

Runners discuss the value of being "in the zone".  That mythical place where Zen Masters and Jedi Masters thrive.
Runners love the zone, bask in it's warmth and count on it for the duration and completion of their events.  This zone is where the mental part comes in.  The "zone" is a mental entity.  Composed of the runner's willingness to compete paired with their desire to complete their goals.  The zone is a tool that is as big, or bigger, than any other part of a runner's tool box or equipment.

I need to find the zone.

As I continue to search for the zone and for my place as a runner...or not.  I will update the blog accordingly.

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