Saturday 26 January 2013

Nike Fuel Band

The Nike Fuel Band.  A nifty little addition to any training kit.

If you haven't seen it before and you are in Canada, fret not.  It's not readily available here.  The "gist" is as follows.  You set up the band to your body specs (more or less), charge it up and wear it while you are active.  The band has hidden LED's that when activated by a small push button tells you your "Fuel" points, your calories burned, your steps taken and the time.

Day 1 - nifty little thing.  Wore it around and thought I would start it off right with a two hour workout starting with a 15k bike ride.  Fuel points 163.  Walking to the water fountain and back. Fuel points 178.  What the hell?'s got an accelerometer that measures movement....of the arm.  Bike ride got me diddly.  I love to ride the stationary bike so my options to keep my points up are limited.  Jazzersize on the bike while I ride and risk having someone tackle me during my "seizure" or add some arm movement cardio.  My training partner is going to wonder why running is my new best friend.

Stupid band...

With a smart phone you can upload your information and if you reach your goals there is a little party in your phone.  There are goals for just about everything so the party never stops.  Little digital guy gets down but seems to be physically inept for someone employed (artificially) by Nike (he is continually crushed by falling awards banners).

The band is great because it keeps you motivated and keeps you pushing.  You become dependent on reaching your "fuel" goal.  It's sleek so it doesn't look like you're under house arrest and doubles as a watch in case you don't want to look like you are wearing man-bangles (or lady bangles).

All in all a great little tool that keeps me driving towards my goals and to see if the party ever stops.

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