Saturday 12 January 2013

I am eating blueberries.

After reading a fitness personality's blog I got to thinking...why do people write blogs?  Is it blatant self interest?  Hubris?  A desire to go to the next level of "Facebook Status Updates" and share with the world..."I am eating blueberries?  Or could it be something more.

To this end I started thinking about creating my own blog.  One that would serve a definite self interest as an outlet for thought, but would also create two additional outcomes.  A check/balance for myself and, if all works out, a motivation for others.

My goal is to create a blog that is, in fact, a "FLOG".  A Fitness blog (and I thought the term "Flog" sounded pretty funny in relation to the amount of damage and change I intend to put myself through).  This in turn led me down the garden path to the term "FLOGing" which I thought was an apt description of what the majority of my posts will discuss.

Photos, training tips, programs, schedules and open invitations for fitness will all find a home here.

The purpose is simple.  At this stage of my life, as compared to where I want to be, I need a kick in the pants.  Mentally, physically, emotionally, and as a parent, I want to be better.  By publicly posting my results, thoughts, goals, motivations, recipes, successes (and failures) I hope to change myself and learn in the process.

If you're interested in change yourself...or like a good laugh.  You're welcome to join me.

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