Sunday 13 January 2013

Dropping the ball to lightspeed.

False starts happen.  From an aborted dive into a cold Alberta lake to the Millenium Falcon dropping the ball to light speed in Star Wars.  False starts happen.  Han Solo was so pissed.

Mine happened in October.  I had made the call after two earlier Obstacle course races that I was going to be in better shape for myself and the family.  My cardio was somewhere between someone close to death and someone actually dead.

Instead I fell victim to my arch nemesis and BFF...chocolate.  Like Romeo and Juliet, Chocolate and I are two star crossed lovers never destined to truly be together.  It's true, I did what I could (and can) for our relationship.  Late night walks, stolen moments in the pantry...even that one time in Vegas.  We had a destructive cycle.  A love hate relationship.  Buoyed by the prospects that "some chocolates are good for you", I tried relentlessly to keep us together.

If chocolate was the golden idol in The Temple of Doom, I would have gotten it, gotten out and kept my hat the whole time.  I am uniquely motivated.

Now to the (False) Start.
1. Positive affirmations...check
2. Self Pic on my phone...check
3. Mocking by wife about said self pic...check
4. Self Pic round two...check
5. Adjustment of lighting for Pic 3...check
6. Victory dance from "okay" looking self pic...check
7. Return to mocking by wife due to dance...check
8. Discussion about who wears the pants...ongoing (but it's starting to look like I'm not going to win)

At this point, everything is going my way.  Training is going good, wobble pop consumption has ceased and even my healthy eating is coming around.  I'm starting to look lean-ish and like what's happening with everything coming together.

(Pretty proud I was able to replicate all of those "no face" shots)

Then baby two arrived and I found comfort in my old mistress.  Lady Oh Henry (sounds Scottish but that's just what she tells people).

It wasn't baby two, or baby one or even wife (one?...can I say that?...might be my last post).  It was me.  I was the nagging voice telling you not to jump into the lake, the Millenium Falcon, the big rolling ball...I was the weakest link.

False Start.  Black October.  Rebound love with my Juliet (and we all know how that turned out).


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