Sunday 26 April 2015

Wednesday Workout (22/05) - Full Body Agility and Speed

Complete as many rounds as possible completing all exercises in order without skipping any or re-arranging.

Double Unders x 50
Stair Runs x 5
Speed Hurdles Jumps with Burpees in between each hurdle (5 hurdles = 5 burpees) x 5
Hill Agility Ladder "Icky Shuffle" (In In Out, In In Out) x 5
Hill Agility Ladder "Fast Feet" (Two feet in each square before moving on) x 5
Hill Sprint x 10
Incline Push Up (up hill) x 20
Incline Row x 20
Sand Bag Thruster with jump over and push up x 20
Med Ball Toss with Squat (with partner) x 20
Med Ball Wall Toss x 20

This one stung a little less than Monday's.  We added a speed penalty.  If you hit the ladder or moved it in any way, it added 20 decline push ups on the hill.

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