Sunday 26 April 2015

Monday Workout (20/05) - Full Body with Hills

As many rounds as possible of all below exercises.  Completed in full rounds with or without weight. (Note: you may want to get through the first round without weight to gauge your tolerance.)

Decline Push Ups (on the hill) x 20
Bar Pull Ups x 20
Sandbag Thrusters x 20
Medicine Ball Slams x 20 (3kg, 5kg, 7kg, 10kg)
Hill Sprints x 20 (up/down counts as 2 so 10 sprints up the hill)
Hill Bear Crawls x 20 (up/down counts as 2 so 10 crawls up the hill)
Hill Squat Jumps x 20 jumps
Skipping x 100 rotations
Double Unders x 50
Stair Squat Jumps x 30
TRX Rows x 20

This was a bit of a bear...was feeling it for the next few days in the legs and calves.

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