Thursday 30 April 2015


Popcorn and friends time this weekend with the release of the Avengers: Age of Ultron.  Get out there and get in on the action.
Make the snacks worth it with the workout below: AVENGERS

Sunday 26 April 2015

Core Training - 1000 Reps

Complete all in order. Minimal rest.
Crunch x 200
Sit Up x 50
Flutter Kick x 200
Reverse Crunch x 50
Plank x 2 min (Not Applicable to 1000 rep count)
Body Jack (from plank spring forward into triple threat position) x 25
Dolphin Kick x 25
Mountain Climber x 50
Pilates 100's x 200
Oblique Crunch x 50 (per side)
Plank with Shoulder Touch x 50 (per side)

Total = 1000 reps

Monday Workout (27/05) - Weights with Agility/Power

Complete all exercises as prescribed and in their proper order.  Complete as many rounds as possible with a minimum of three (3).
Bicep/Hammer Curl Combo x 20 (of each)
Shoulder Press x 20
Bent Over Row x 20 (Bar or Dumbell)
Push Up Parade (Regular, Narrow, Wide) x 20 (of each)
Weighted Squat x 20
Tricep Extensions/Kickbacks x 20 (of each)

Agility Ladder (Icky Shuffle) x 5
Hill Sprints x 5
Medicine Ball Torso (or over the shoulders) x 20
Tire Runs (ATV Tire or 20lbs) x 10
Skipping x 100 rotations

Wednesday Workout (22/05) - Full Body Agility and Speed

Complete as many rounds as possible completing all exercises in order without skipping any or re-arranging.

Double Unders x 50
Stair Runs x 5
Speed Hurdles Jumps with Burpees in between each hurdle (5 hurdles = 5 burpees) x 5
Hill Agility Ladder "Icky Shuffle" (In In Out, In In Out) x 5
Hill Agility Ladder "Fast Feet" (Two feet in each square before moving on) x 5
Hill Sprint x 10
Incline Push Up (up hill) x 20
Incline Row x 20
Sand Bag Thruster with jump over and push up x 20
Med Ball Toss with Squat (with partner) x 20
Med Ball Wall Toss x 20

This one stung a little less than Monday's.  We added a speed penalty.  If you hit the ladder or moved it in any way, it added 20 decline push ups on the hill.

Monday Workout (20/05) - Full Body with Hills

As many rounds as possible of all below exercises.  Completed in full rounds with or without weight. (Note: you may want to get through the first round without weight to gauge your tolerance.)

Decline Push Ups (on the hill) x 20
Bar Pull Ups x 20
Sandbag Thrusters x 20
Medicine Ball Slams x 20 (3kg, 5kg, 7kg, 10kg)
Hill Sprints x 20 (up/down counts as 2 so 10 sprints up the hill)
Hill Bear Crawls x 20 (up/down counts as 2 so 10 crawls up the hill)
Hill Squat Jumps x 20 jumps
Skipping x 100 rotations
Double Unders x 50
Stair Squat Jumps x 30
TRX Rows x 20

This was a bit of a bear...was feeling it for the next few days in the legs and calves.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Dumbell Workout with my Students
- We upped the rep count from 10 - 30 and from 6 - 18.  Their idea, not mine.  I was pretty happy to see the end of this one as we had pre-fatigued with tire flips, core and speed ropes.

Hammer Workout

Wednesday Conditioning Program (Weights/Body Weight/Core)

Weights (4 Sets - No Rest)
Lateral Raise x 30
Upright Row x 30
Bicep Curl x 30
Overhead Tricep Extension x 30
Lunge x 30
Shoulder Loaded Jump Squat x 30

Body Weight (3 Sets - 2 min Rest)
Burpees x 30
Push Ups x 30
Bench Dip x 30
Prison Squat x 30
Mountain Climber x 30
Pull Up x 30

Core (2 Sets - No Rest)
Plate Sit Up x 81
Pelvic Thrust x 81
Raised Leg Crunch x 81
Plank Hold  x 4.5 minutes

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Captain America Workout (DareBee)

With the Avengers: Age of Ultron getting closer, it was high time to get an Avenger Workout in!!  Got to Level 3 of this today with my Conditioning group!!