Saturday 7 February 2015

Resolutioner Workout - Fully Body (Feb 7)

I wish I weighed a little less......(that's what went through my head during this)!!

Note: 1 min on: 30 seconds off.  As many full sets as you can, in sequence, in 30 minutes.

Warm Up: Run, Row or Cycle (3km, 3km, 7km)
Tricep Dips
Bosu Plank Up Downs
Sandbag Thruster (20-50lb sandbag or supplement a plate)
Iron Cross Push Up (support hands above ground and feet in an elevated position)
Bar Bicep Curl (Olympic/ EZ/ Regular with enough weight to challenge you for 1 minute)
Sumo Jump Squats (Feet together and jump out to wide squat and hip crease below knee level)
TRX Low/High Row (Elbows low wrists in/ Elbows high wrists down)
Shoulder Press (Box press with enough weight to challenge you for 1 minute)
Romanian Split Lunge (Dumbells in each hand)

Core (Mix in the following every third exercise)
Hanging Knee Raises
TRX Plank to Pikes
Medicine Ball Pike Ups

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