Friday 8 February 2013

One Month Down

One Month Down
So, it’s been an interesting Month.  As the blog, and my training, improved I noticed subtle changes.  Physique, mental focus, and emotional freedom were all improving.  To break that down; I was looking better, feeling better and more capable with my “emotional” highs and lows…I wasn’t acting like a tool all the time.
Immediate benefit…less eye rolling from my wonderfully supportive wife.  No improvement on the giggling during self pics, but we’re working on it.
Then came the flu.  Regardless of your beliefs or opinions, my wife and I decided to get ourselves, our daughter and our yet to be born (at the time) son vaccinated.  We thought that we were adequately prepared.  We were more, or less, right.  While everyone around us was dropping like flies, we got what amounted to a gentle “kiss” of the flu.  We all got it, including our son.  As a (relatively) new parent…kid’s colds suck…in every possible way.  They don’t understand, you don’t understand, communication is impossible and all you want is to take that cold and ache away at any cost to yourself.  On the bright side, as with all things, this too shall (and did) pass.
I am also doing a dash of coaching.
As I mentioned in a previous post, this was never going to be a sprint.  It’s a marathon through and through.  I lost some time training and lost some time moving forward, but I am focused on the task and moving forward.  Training is locked in, nutrition is getting there and sleep is hard to come by but improving.
One month down.  More improvements and goals reached. One setback.  That’s a win no matter which way you look at it.

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