Sunday 10 February 2013

HIIT Day (28/1/2013)

HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training has been great these last few weeks.  It has really pushed my capabilities and brought my fitness to a new level.  It's true that I look like I sprung a major leak in the gym, but the results during and after speak for themselves.
In all fairness, this is not HIIT in it's purest form.  It's the idea behind it.  Maximal output and effort in a controlled time line with a challenging cardiovascular component. 20-30 minutes long.  Lots of variety in the exercises used and an effort to push your cardiovascular response each time you go through it.

Tools of the Trade for today:
- Kettle bells
- Skipping ropes
- Mat
- Plyometric Boxes
- Bench

Exercise Program:
1. Bike 20 Minutes (2:30 at 110+RPM and Resistance 5, then 1 min at Resistance 15 fast as possible)
2. Circuit
                 Kettle bell Swings (10)
                 Push Up on Kettle bells (15)
                 Kettle bell lateral raise (10)
                 Kettle bell shoulder press (10)
                 Skipping (100 rotations)
                 Plyo box jumps (8-10)
                 Romanian split squat (8/side)
                 Elevated calf raises (30)
                 Kettle bell squats (10)
                 TRX high row (8)
                 TRX low row (8)
                 TRX bicep curl (8)
                 Tricep bench presses (30)

                  Complete and repeat 4 times total.

It was awesome.  Whole new level of challenge.  Sure there was very little in the way of "weights" but the tangible results don't lie.  I looked like a complete mess and my wife banned me from any contact with her, my kids, our furniture...even the dogs...seriously...until after I showered and burned my clothes.
It was a great first round and I look forward to continuously switching it up and keeping the effort high.

The only negative about the whole experience that I feel I need to bring up is that your results, as with most training types, are exactly proportional to what you put into it.  You have to dig deep and really push.

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