Saturday 26 July 2014

Summer Series (Part One)

Each series is done for four compound sets of both exercise groups.  Very standardized exercises.  Program is just there  to get it done and allow you to move on to other summer activities.

Thursday - Bicep & Shoulder Day
1. Bicep Rotation Curl & Isolation Lateral Raise
2. Bicep Hammer Curl & Anterior Raise
3. Cross Curl & Shoulder Press
4. Concentration Curl & Arnold Press
5. Alternating Curls & Shrugs (TO FAILURE)

Friday - Lake Swim, with repeat diving to 20 ft, and a tread water finish

Saturday - Tricep & Shoulder Day
1. Tricep Kickback & Lateral Raise
2. Tricep Overhead Extension & Anterior Raise
3. Band Press Down & Anterior Alternating Raise
4. Double Overhead Press & Lean Flyes
5. Band Press Over & Shoulder Presses (TO FAILURE)

Sunday - Stand Up Paddle Boarding with dock to dock lane swims (40m)

Enjoy the summer and have fun!!!
Hylete Training Shorts going from training to treading.  Use code: WARMACHINE25 to save on your next purchase from

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