Wednesday 9 July 2014

Sage Hill Boot Camp Fitness Circuit #3 - Body Weight and Core (July 8, 2014)

12 exercises broken into 2 groups of 6 workouts (3 strength and 3 core).  Working as an individual within the group.  For time or repetitions.  Rest at the end of each full exercise (3 sets) for 45 seconds to 1 minute.  Begin with dynamic warm up/stretch and finish with a static cool down/stretch.  We will also cover the intro to PNF stretching techniques both partner and solo.

Pop Squat (30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 min)
- Feet together.  Jump to feet shoulder width apart and drop into squat...repeat!
- Stop when hip crease is parallel with knees
- Keep knees behind or inline with toes

Release Push Ups (1 min, 1 min, 1 min)
- Plank position
- Lower body to ground
- Release hands from hold
- Return hands back to a comfortable position and press body back to plank position

Calf Raises (Toes In, Toes Out, Toes Forward) (30 of each, 20 of each, 10 of each)
- Shoulders back
- Tighten core
- Push up onto toes with full extension
- Lower until heels just touch and then repeat

Mountain Climbers (1 min, 1 min, 1 min)
- Plank position
- Drive knees up one at a time towards elbows
- Return to start position
- Keep core tight and focus on squeezing the core

Bicycle Crunches (1 min, 45 seconds, 45 seconds)
- Laying down with legs at 90 degrees
- Rotate torso towards opposite side and repeat with speed
- Full range of motion (ROM) is important

Plank Jacks (20, 20, 15 reps)
- Plank position
- Stable base
- Jump feet out to a wide stance
- Return to start position or mid line and repeat

Air Squat (1 min, 1 min, 1 min)
- Feet shoulder width apart.  Go from "Superhero to Butterfly to Superhero"...repeat!
- Stop when hip crease is parallel with knees
- Keep knees behind or inline with toes

Tricep Single Arm Raise (15, 15, 10 reps)
- Lying on your side, support yourself with one arm along your body and the arm on the side not touching the ground is palm down
- Using the arm that is palm down, press the body up slightly, engaging the tricep muscles
- Repeat on the other side
Plank Up/Downs (1 min, 45 seconds, 30 seconds)
- Plank Position with arms out straight supporting your body weight
- Lower down onto forearms and then return to the start position

Enjoy and stay safe!

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