Monday 14 July 2014

Sage Hill Boot Camp Circuit #4 (July 10, 2014)

8 exercises in one continuous circuit; alternating between two upper body and then two lower body.  Four of each.  Working as an individual within the group.  For time.  Rest at the end of each circuit for 45 seconds to 1 minute.  Begin with dynamic warm up/stretch and finish with a static cool down/stretch. 

Sledge Hammer Hits
- Feet splayed.  Swing hammer around torso to a strike position and strike on tire...repeat!
- Slide top hand to head of hammer  on return swing to lessen load
- Alternate sides to work bilaterally

Combat Bag Curls
- Feet square
- Curl from thigh to collar bone

Walking Lunges
- Movement
- Knees at 90 degrees...repeat!!

Teapot Squats with a Kettle Bell
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Hold kettle bell with both hands in front of, and against, chest
- Lower to full squat

Band Curls or Band Tricep Presses
- Stable base
- Curl from pelvis to shoulders or press over head
- Full range of motion (ROM) is important

Tire Carries
- Hold tires one in each hand
- Run from one pylon to the other

- Feet shoulder width apart.  Go from "Superhero to Butterfly to Superhero"...repeat!
- Drive weights up from shoulders to overhead

Plank Row with Half Burpee
- In a plank position, drive knees up and stand
- Keeping back straight and parallel to the ground, row the weights from full extension to torso
Enjoy and Stay Safe!!

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