Sunday 25 October 2015

Project Gains Workout - Body Weight and Weights

Project Gains - Complex Movement Workout (Weight and Body Weight)

* Complete all exercises for four rounds with perfect form and 1-2 minutes rest between rounds.

Lunge with Bicep Curl (Weight) - 20/20

Squat with Overhead Press (Weight) - 20/20

Push Up with Plank Row (Weight) - 15/15

Bench Dip with Decline Push Up - 20/20

Bench Step Up with Knee Drive to Chest - 20/s

Full Sit Up with Flutter Kick (Body Weight) - 20/20

Thursday 22 October 2015

Boost Smoothy

We Are the Machines (Project X Workout)

Cumulative Workout to Build Capacity in six (6) movement patterns.
Complete each exercise in sequence and complete 4 rounds.

Round #1
Push Up x 30
Squat x 30
Plank Jack x 30
Jumping Jack x 30
Bench Dip x 30
Crunch x 30

Round #2
Push Up x 20
Squat x 20
Plank Jack x 20
Jumping Jack x 20
Bench Dip x 20
Crunch x 20

Round #3
Push Up x 15
Squat x 15
Plank Jack x 15
Jumping Jack x 15
Bench Dip x 15
Crunch x 15

Round #4
Push Up x 10
Squat x 10
Plank Jack x 10
Jumping Jack x 10
Bench Dip x 10
Crunch x 10

3, 2, 1....GO (Project X Workout)

3, 2, 1.....GO!!!! Workout

Lots of agility work, lots of core, lots of strength...basically a whole lot of everything.  Welcome to the week and 3, 2, 1...

(Complete each exercise in sequence for two to three rounds)

Agility Ladder Two Step x 2
Agility Ladder Push Up x 2
Agility Ladder Plyo Jump x 2
Agility Ladder Lateral Squat x 2

Full Sit Up x 20
Plank Shoulder Touches x 20
Flutter Kicks x 50
Core Pointer x 20

Bench Dip x 20
Single Leg Power Step Up x 20/s
Decline Push Up x 20
Split Squat x 10/s

Tryptophan Workout (Turkey Workout)

As many reps as possible with perfect form until fatigue or 20 repetitions, then rest and move on to next exercise. Two Rounds (if possible).

Bicep Curl

Hammer Curl

Shoulder Press

Arnold Press

Push Up with Weights

Prone Chest Press

Pelvic Raise with Weights

Tricep Press

Tricep Kickback

Bent Over Row

Back Flye/Reverse Fly

Squat with Weight

Calf Raise with Weight

Squat Thrusters

Jumping Jacks (no weights)

Mountain Climbers (no weights)

Core and Leg Day

Core and Leg Day (3 rounds, 2 minutes rest between rounds)

40 Full Sit Ups
40 Body Folds
40 Squat Jumps
200 Flutter Kicks
Pilates 100's
100 Calf Raises
40 Oblique Crunches
40 Balloon Crunches (Hands intertwined and legs at 90 degrees)
40 Sumo Squat Pulses
40 Russian Twists (20 per side)
40 sec Plank Hold
40 sec Static Skater

Strength Workout

Strength Day.  No Weights.

No time limit.  Complete all exercises.  Not necessarily in order, but fully completed.

50 Tricep Push Ups

200 Calf Raises

50 Body Folds

50 Double Thrusters

30 Dips

30 Resisted Leg Raises

30 Box Jumps

30 Dive Bomber Push Ups

20 Clock Lunges

20 War Machines

20 Decline Push Ups (Feet on Box)

Reminder: Thruster is like a Mountain Climber but start in a plank position, thrust both legs up to chest while keeping hands on the ground, jump legs back out to plank.

Fatigue Workout

Complete all exercises in order.  2 minutes per workout, maximal output and performance.  3 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds (or no rest if you are pushing yourself)

Thermopylae 2015

Push Ups

Full Sit Ups


Plank Up Downs

War Machines

Squat Jumps

Chin Ups

Leg Raises

Reminder: War Machines are similar to a burpee.  Jump Up, drop into a plank, do a plank jack, do a push up, jump immediately to your feet without touching down, land in a squat and then stand.  Repeat.

Cry Baby Workout

Welcome to the first training session of the year.

Completion workout - complete all of the following exercises using perfect form.  Rest is based on what you need for this first round.  Rest as little as possible to push your cardiovascular system.  Stay hydrated and we will finish with a full stretch after.

Cry Baby

Toes to Bar  x 20

Push Ups x 50

Body Folds x 50

Tricep Push Up x 50

Squat Jumps x 30

Dips x 30

Clock Lunge x 10 rotations "around the clock"

Dive Bomber Push Ups x 30

Chin Up x 20

Full Range Calf Raises x 200

Box Jumps x 20

Plank Up Downs x 30