Sunday 21 June 2015

Aut Viam - Find a Way Program

Aut Viam - Find A Way

Our time together is almost done.  We're going to go out with a bang.

Today's (Wednesday's workout) is all around the motto "Aut Viam" the first part of the Thermopylae crest.  It means...roughly...Find A Way.

So today, it's going to be a rough one.  The goal will be to make it all the way through. Start to finish, it will be the largest program you have done so far.

Program - Complete each exercise in the sequence given below with each exercise being completed fully.  You can start at any location you want and work in pairs.

Squats - 200
Chin Ups - 20
Lunges - 100 per side
Crunches - 300
Push Ups - 200
Plank Shoulder Touches - 100
Double Unders - 100
Sumo Squat - 100
Bench Dips - 200
Toes to Bar - 20
TRX Flat Row - 40
Plank Jacks - 100
TRX Bicep Curl - 40
WarMachines - 50
Sand Bag Thrusters - 50

Remember to check the following locations: or on Twitter

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