Monday 29 June 2015

Setting Goals

50 Reasons Why...

Kettlebell Workout #1

Summer Starter - CHISEL

Lets get this summer started off right!!

Power 25 - - Upper Body Weight Workout

Ancient Greece - Callisto

Callisto Workout

Ancient Greece - Oracle

Ancient Greece - Gods - Poseidon

God of the Sea

Ancient Greece - Gods - Athena

Goddess of Wisdom

Ancient Greece - Gods - Artemis

Goddess of the Hunt

Ancient Greece #1 - Spartan Workout

Another Summer

Another summer is here and with it my "New You" resolutions.  Unlike previous posts where I discuss the inherent issues with short term gain diets, long term goal training, and everything in between, I have once again moved into the "New You".

Much like the new year it is a time of reflection, planning and production.  As a result, I have set a number of goals for myself this coming summer.

1. Eat Right - pretty foundational stuff here, but a weakness for me and a trouble area that I have no problem exploiting for whatever is yummy after a tough training day (or pretty much any tough day).

2. Train Right - consistent, daily training for the summer that is measurable and of value.

3. Recover Right - runs back into nutrition but also brings in rest, hydration and eating right (see #1). 
(Sadly, I am writing this somewhat ironically as I am not resting as I should and am instead washing a wasteland of pinnies for our PE program.)

4. Write Right - right?  Seriously though.  I need to get back to writing on here.  I have gotten my programming for the blog off the ground, some reviews but very little concrete writing on the topics that I put in my original post.  So, consistency in all things, I will write more productively and more profoundly this summer...and some reviews, programming, nutrition, etc.

5. Family First Right - family has to come first this summer.  With the top four above it may seem like a descending order of importance, but that is not the case.  The top four are all important but #5 is the kicker.  The rest don't matter if the people that I am doing this all for (myself included) are neglected as a result.  Oh, the irony!


- Bad Ass Body Diet by Christmas Abbott
- Evolution by Joe Manganiello
- Spark by Dr. Ratey
- Embrace the Suck by Stephen Madden
- David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

- Hylete various (male and female)
- King Kong Bags
- Momentum Dive Watches by St. Moritz
- Aqua Sphere Training Goggles
- Reebok Nano Shoes
- Speed Rope Buy Skipping
- GoPro Blackout
- Qalo Rings
- etc

Events/Races/Training Modalities
- Rugged Maniac
- Spartan Race
- Mud Hero
- Mud Hero Kids
- Orange Theory Fitness
- Hot Yoga
- Pound Fitness
- Olympic Lifting

Sunday 21 June 2015

Playground Workout - Get outside with the your little ones on Father's Day!!

Aut Viam - Find a Way Program

Aut Viam - Find A Way

Our time together is almost done.  We're going to go out with a bang.

Today's (Wednesday's workout) is all around the motto "Aut Viam" the first part of the Thermopylae crest.  It means...roughly...Find A Way.

So today, it's going to be a rough one.  The goal will be to make it all the way through. Start to finish, it will be the largest program you have done so far.

Program - Complete each exercise in the sequence given below with each exercise being completed fully.  You can start at any location you want and work in pairs.

Squats - 200
Chin Ups - 20
Lunges - 100 per side
Crunches - 300
Push Ups - 200
Plank Shoulder Touches - 100
Double Unders - 100
Sumo Squat - 100
Bench Dips - 200
Toes to Bar - 20
TRX Flat Row - 40
Plank Jacks - 100
TRX Bicep Curl - 40
WarMachines - 50
Sand Bag Thrusters - 50

Remember to check the following locations: or on Twitter

Monday 1 June 2015

HYLETE Apparel and GRID League

What a great partnership!!

Alternative Workout - Use the Equipment that you've got. "Upper Body Blowout"

So, as part of our initiative to get students engaged in all types of physical activity, we recently utilized basketball wheelchairs.  These wheelchairs are modified for high performance activity.

After we had finished the programming, I had a Wednesday workout to plan and my students were looking/feeling a little burnt by how hard they had been working.  They were looking for change, even if it took them to an even more challenging place.
We incorporated the chairs into a simple circuit:

3 Laps of the gym. Roughly 60 - 80 meters.  Once they completed their laps, they would go to one of the stations listed below, complete the exercise and go onto the next set of 3 laps.  Repeat.
The goal was to hit 3 rounds.

Push Ups x 15
Toes to Bar x 5
War Machines x 10
Chin Ups x 5
Lunges x 10/s
Bench Dips x 40
Squats x 30
V Ups x 20

It was an incredible workout and put a lot of emphasis on technique rather than just power and speed.  There was a lot of sweat and a lot of smiles!!

It might be tough to replicate this workout, but that wasn't the point.  The point was to invigorate the class and find fitness where you can!