Saturday 4 May 2013

Garage Workout #2

Garage Workout #2
-        Utilizing a series of equipment that I have accumulated, I created a training program that utilizes both the aerobic and anaerobic systems to develop the entire body.  Each program targets a broad spectrum of muscles groups and works to actively engage the large and small movers.  In addition, each program exploits one area above and beyond the others to encourage stress and change.
- Gloves (work, bike, football…just something to protect your hands, more specifically your finger tips)
- Tractor Tire (free from a tire store, weight 80-150 pounds)
- Sledgehammer (8lbs)
- Medicine Ball (12lbs)
- Farmer Carry (some type of suspended weight like a dumbbell, milk crate, log)
- TRX Suspension System (or any other type of suspension type or rope)
- Bar with Weight
- Dumbsbell with Weight
- Heavy Bag
- Skipping Rope
Tire Flip with Plyo Jump (50 ft)
- utilizing a squat lift with a wide base of support.
Sledgehammer Alternating (40 total)
- full extension with a full swing, let the hammer do the work at the end of motion.  Target is the tire.
Medicine Ball Slam (10 repetitions)
- Load ball up to chest, raise above head and slam against the ground. Repeat.
Walking Lunge (100 ft)
- Walk set distance with perfect form.
TRX Chest Press and Tricep Press (10 repetitions, each consecutive)
- Push up position for Chest press.  Keep upper arms locked and bend at elbows keeping core stable.
Overhead Dumbell Tricep Press (10-15 repetitions)
- Elbows in, core tight, press overhead.
Cross Bicep Curls (10-15 repetitions)
- Wrists facing in through entire range of motion, curl up and across chest and finish at collarbone, repeat.
Heavy Bag Throw with Mountain Climber (100 ft)
- Pick up heavy bag so that it is flat.  From low squat load heavy bag into a front squat position and press overhead while rising from squat, launch heavy bag in one motion.  Once heavy bag lands, complete 20 mountain climbers with hands on bag.
Skipping (100 rotations)
                  Each activity is done to repetition completion or distance completion. Repeat 2-3X

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