Friday 15 November 2013

Apex Predator of the Fitness World

You…are the Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Confidant, Bon Vivant, friend, buddy, crush, and/or training partner.  This is who you are…not what you are.  You are the first time figure competitor training for her first show, you are the weekend hockey player honing your edge, you are the matriarch of your household catching their breath…you are me.  Or at least, like me.  We all have our reasons for finding the time for our fitness.  They are as varied as the people working out next to us. 

The reasons don’t matter as much as the fact that we are there.  We, us, you, have made the decision to place your fitness at the top of your agenda.

This decision has determined the outcome that you wish to achieve.  You are driven to succeed and lay waste to any obstacles in your path.  It’s not easy.  Often, it isn’t pretty.  You are doing it though.  Next stop is a different you.

You are changing.  Making choices that impact you in a myriad of ways, from what you’re going to train to how you’re going to train it.  These decisions are impacted and driven by your interests, environment, accessibility and level of risk (real or imagined).  These choices challenge and change you physically and mentally.  In short, you’re evolving.

This evolution used to be relegated to fitness centers or gyms spaced sporadically through your city like sweatband confetti.  However, as fitness has evolved so too has the gym.  Fitness is becoming a pandemic.  People are constantly finding new and innovative ways to better themselves and creating the equipment or resources to do so.

It’s pervasive, omnipresent, unique and adaptive.  Its step class on Mondays and spinning on Tuesdays.  It’s that 5km you just signed up for or the 10km you’re being dragged to.  It’s yoga today and Crossfit tomorrow.

I am where you are, where you want to be, where you were.  I am continually trying to make myself better and that will only begin as I evolve.  You, too, are evolving.  You, who makes the effort to book your training appointments or the healthier choice in the grocery store, are the deciding factor.  The apex predator of your fitness world.

You are the vehicle for your own success.  You determine if you will get knocked down or if you’ll kick the door in.  You decide where and when.  You just need to decide.

You need to find your pillars to greatness.  Here are three.  1. You need to be accountable.  2. You need to set reasonable goals. 3. You need to find your equilibrium.

1. Accountability – you are your own boss.  Set your meetings and keep them.  Met your expectations? Give yourself a raise.  Not meeting your expectations.  Re-evaluate how you are accountable or to whom.

2. Goals – they are your map…your muse.  They give you something to reach for and something to celebrate when you achieve it.

3. Equilibrium – it’s your balance, your ability to work towards your fitness, health, nutrition, rest and all of the details that make up your life.

It starts simply…it’s started already.

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