Monday 29 April 2013

You had better be running.

Ever stare at a treadmill and think "Your not so tough, you're like a sidewalk for sissies."  Followed by "I'm going to kick your @ss."

Me too....awwww twinsies.   (kidding)

I hate to "run".  The slow, steady state plod towards certain death through boredom.  I am a sprinter.  Anything over 100m....I better be in the middle of getting chased by an apex predator.  Sprinting and me though go way back.

Running is the ugly step sister to sprinting.

(all you runners out there...running has it's place too...the back row with nose picker and glue eater)

Today I switched the script.  I set a series of kettlebells at the base of the treadmill (on either side of course) and jacked that bad boy to what I figured would be a good sprint pace.  If it worked out I would be running at a dead heat immediately.  If it didn't I would become intimately acquainted with the stationary bike behind me...and its current user.

Turns out that is roughly 16-17 Km/H.  Sprint for 1-2 minutes flat out followed by the following program for kettlebells:
- Lateral Raises (8-12 rm)
- Shoulder Press (8-12 rm)
- Hammer Curl (8-12 rm)
- Kettlebell Swings with squat (8-12 rm)
- Teapot Squat (8-12 rm)

Note: Cardel Place cardholders.  I know what I am doing, I am on my meds, and the little voices are telling me it's going to be alright.

As soon as that was done it was back on the tread mill for 1-2 minutes at full speed.  I (we) did that three times.

Followed that up with:
- TRX Row
- TRX Pull
- TRX Bicep Curl
Super sets with your partner doing Tricep Dips for the duration of the TRX exercises (they watch you do it and are a little cranky when you are dragging your butt).  Repeated 3x.

Then a light sprinkling of core.

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