Saturday 30 May 2015

Powered by Hylete

The Thermopylae is "POWERED BY HYLETE".  Use the code: "IGNITEFITNESS" or "WARMACHINE" at the checkout to receive 50% off your first order and 20% off all future orders.....for life!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Circuit Training with Cardio Component

Follow circuit from diagram:

Six (6) Station Fun Circuit with Cardio/Running Component

Follow instructions/diagrams in the photo:

Wednesday Workout - HIIT Circuit with War Machines

Complete each exercise in order for as many rounds as possible.  Any exercise that cannot be completed fully will then be exchanged at the fatigue point for 15 War Machines.  A "War Machine" is a push up into a plank jack and then immediately jumping to your feet in a triple threat position.

Wall Jump Over x 9
Push Up Parade (Regular, Hover Foot, Clapping) x 30 (15 of each)
Air Squats x 30
Bench Dips x 60
Back Crawl x 20m
Pylon Plyo Jump x 30
Plank Jacks x 30
Full Sit Up x 30
Skipping x 100 rotations
Double Unders x 20

Monday Workout - Circuit Training (continuous rounds)

The program is a straight circuit where the goal is maximum rounds completed in the time allotted (30 min or 45 minutes).

Squats x 30
Push Ups x 20
Double Unders x 20
Wall Climb Over x 10
Bench Dips x 60
Pike Ups x 20
War Machines x 20 (Push Up to Plank Jack to Dynamic Jump to Standing)
Weighted Thrusters x 20
Agility Ladder x 5
Plank Shoulder Touches x 20

Goal #1 - 3 rounds
Goal #2 - 4 rounds
Goal #3 - 5 rounds
Goal #4 - 6 rounds +

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Wednesday Workout - Tire Training - Full Body Workout with Resistance

Another Thermopylae inspired training day.  One of the main features of the Thermopylae has been the ATV tire and it's much larger cousin the Tractor tire.  For today's training, we used the "kids" or ATV tires which weigh on average 20-30lbs.  The program below was done in sequence.

Hill Run with tire x 2 (60 degree incline and 40 meters long)

Plank x 2 @ 45 seconds (tire on back)
Offset Push Up x 10/s (using tire as offset)
Toe Touches x 60 (using tire as elevated target)

Hill Run with tire x 2 (60 degree incline and 40 meters long)

Squats x 30 (with tire)
Crunch x 30 (with tire)
Burpee x 20 (with tire)

Hill Run with tire x 2 (60 degree incline and 40 meters long)

We followed this up with a burner series of one set of three Thermopylae competition activities.

War Machines - push up into a pike jack into a plyo jump to feet, then repeat x 20

Incline Mountain Climbers - Mountain Climbers on a hill x 60/s

Decline Pushups - on the same hill x 20

Monday Workout - HIIT with Run Cardio Component

Monday Workout
With the Thermopylae event on weeks away, it's time to start rolling with the Interval Training and Cardiovascular response.  The athletes need to be able to confront each obstacle, over come it and continue to move forward with a minimal expenditure of energy.
Today is going to drain their systems.

Program - each student will choose a station.  From there they must complete every other station (no sequence) before they can repeat a station/exercise.  Each station will last approx. 2 minutes with a 30 second rest rotation between stations and the Cardio response. The Cardio Response portion is a station between each station that is repeated.

HIIT Stations
Double Unders
Decline Pushups
TRX Rows
Prison Squat
Sandbag Thrusters
Bench Dips
Reverse Crunches
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Bar Bicep Curls

Cardiovascular Response
Laps around the gym
Shuttle Runs
Hill Runs

NOTE: each rotation should take 20 minutes with the goal to get through the program twice.  A rest between rotation #1 and rotation #2 is advised for water, rest and recovery of heart rate.

Supergirl Workout - Body Weight Circuit (Core/Strength/Agility)

So, in recognition of the new CW series Supergirl, I have added the Darebee workout of the same name as well as the 6 minute trailer.

I am excited that a network has decided to run with a strong, female role model.  With the majority of my student training group being female it's great to have a character in popular culture that I can pull from and look to for inspiration for their workouts.
More to follow:

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Monday Workout - Sweat Equity Training "Spend it to earn it" - Combination program with skipping from Darebee

So, we discussed "sweat equity" or the idea of spending "money/sweat" on yourself every day.  The idea being that we should take the time to do some form, or modality, of training every day combined with plenty of rest and proper nutrition.

The program was two parts: 1. Sweat Equity 2. Jump Rope
Rounds were as follows:
Jumping Jacks x 20
Push ups x 15

Jumping Jacks x 20
Push Ups x 15
Squats x 15

Jumping Jacks x 20
Push Ups x 15
Squats x 15
Plank Jacks x 10
Bench Dips x 20

Jumping Jacks x 20
Push Ups x 15
Squats x 15
Plank Jacks x 10
Bench Dips x 20
Lunges x 10/s

Jump Rope

Wednesday Workout - Circuit with HIIT

The circuit was completed as many times as possible with the time allotted and little to no rest.  Each station/exercise was done for 1 minute with a rotation.

Exercises were as follows:
Plyo Jumps - Over pylons (two different levels)

Plank Jacks - Plank position to triple threat (feet shoulder width apart, partial crouch, hands up)

Chin Up/Toe up - Chin Up and then toes to bar, repeat.

Bench Dips

Wall Presses - with a medicine ball to a height of 10 feet

Agility Ladder - Texas two step or Icky shuffle

Mat Flip - Flip a 60lb track and field mat end over end.

Step Ups - 24 inch box.

Weighted Sprint/Shuttle run - 20 to 30lb sandbags, sprint 20 meters.

Decline Push Up - feet elevated 24 inches to 36 inches.

Levels are as follows:
2 Rounds is Level One
3 Rounds is Level Two
4 Rounds is Level Three
5 Rounds is Level Four

The goal was to have everyone hit level Three or better!!

Monday Workout - "Legs for Day" - Increasing Ladder

Entire program for the day was done on a hill with a 60 degree incline and was approx. 20 meters in length.

Complete in the following order:

Hill Run x 4 (up and down is one)
Grape Vine/Kareoke x 4 (up and down is one)
Squats x 25 (no weight)

Hill Run x 4 (up and down is one)
Grape Vine/Kareoke x 4 (up and down is one)
Squats x 25 (no weight)
Lunge x 20/s (no weight)
High Knees Running x 40 (no weight)
Squat & Hold for 3 sec x 15 (no weight)

Hill Run x 4 (up and down is one)
Grape Vine/Kareoke x 4 (up and down is one)
Squats x 25 (no weight)
Lunge x 20/s (no weight)
High Knees Running x 40 (no weight)
Squat & Hold for 3 sec x 15 (no weight)
Plyo Jumps x 10 (no weight)
Hill Lunges (up and down the hill) x 20/s
Hill Squats x 20

Static Skater (Lactate Threshold Exercise) - hold a low skating position for 1 min x 3 rounds

Note: add weight, rep increase or set numbers for preference.

This one was a monster!!