Friday 9 August 2013


Recently, I have had the enormous good fortune of being introduced to an innovative and dedicated cross-training apparel company called HYLETE (Hi-LETE).

I first heard of HYLETE when doing research into Cross-Fit for a youth fitness competition that I put together the last two years.  Their name continued to pop up for events and when athletes described their ideal combination of fit, material, feel and technology.

I researched the company and found that their creed and vision was very similar to the one that I used with my athletes and with the foundation that I was building with them.  I contacted HYLETE about possibly being a part of the event with either technology discussions or event sponsorship.  After a little while I got an energetic reply from Jon who discussed, in detail, my program and event as well as HYLETE and their vision.  We found common ground and HYLETE became a part of the THERMOPYLAE 3K event this fall and the following spring.  His enthusiasm and the enthusiasm of his peers at HYLETE is infectious and is proof of their cutting edge apparel and unmatched customer service.  I have also been in contact with Abbe who has been incredible with some of the HYLETE event details.

Through our talks I also became involved with HYLETE on their Train Team.

I ordered my first shipment to Canada and was impressed with the expediency of the delivery as well as the quality of the gear (which I will go into greater detail with in a Review Post).

If you are new to Cross-Training, Crossfit or Performance apparel you are confronted with basically three options when it comes to functional training clothing: Nike, Adidas, Reebok.  What's missing is a genuine attention to detail (what athletes want) and customer service by athletes for athletes.  Don't get me wrong.  I own plenty of apparel from the big three, but I am always feeling like I am reacting to changes in their brand or purchasing something that is close to what I want...not necessarily what I need.  HYLETE has shown through social media, their online store and within their customer service that they listen to their customers/athletes and respond accordingly.  This takes the shape as changes in their materials, cuts and options on their clothing.  Where else can you modify your shorts length to suit your body type or comfort level before you even order them?

All in all, HYLETE has shown that they are at the forefront of innovation and client needs.  The best materials, technology, comfort and cost for your money.

A brand that is for athletes!!
Below I have included both their creed and vision (both directly off their site):

HYLETE'S creed:
train to push yourself both physically and mentally;
compete so as to improve yourself, as well as those around you;
and live to be healthy in mind, body, and soul.

train. compete. live.

HYLETE'S vision:

continuously create innovative, performance cross-training apparel that captures the spirit of the cross-training hybrid athlete.